> anyone that can find the problem..?
> description below.
> <html>
> <head>
> <title>debug</title>
> </head>
> <body>
> '***************************************' OUTPUT 
> '**************************************'<br><br>
> <?php
> class Relic {
>   var $RelicName = Array();
>   var $RelicType = Array();
>   var $RelicRealm = Array();
>   var $RelicOwner = Array();
>   var $i;
>  function PrintInfo() {
>    for ($this->i = 0; $this->i < count($this->RelicName); 

genereal question:
would be
for($i = 0; $ii < count($this->RelicName)
faster ?

> $this->i++) {
>    print "$this->RelicName[$this->i]  :  
> $this->RelicType[$this->i]  : $this->RelicRealm[$this->i]  :  
> $this->RelicOwner[$this->i]<br>";
>    }
>  }

echo  $this->RelicName[$this->i]." : ".$this->RelicType[$this->i]." :
".$this->RelicRealm[$this-      i].":"$this-RelicOwner[$this->i]."<br>";

echo and print functions obviously
don't get along with class variable 
in quotes.


>  function SetName($name) {
>      $this->RelicName[] = $name;
>  }
>  function SetType($type) {
>    $this->RelicType[] = $type;
>  }
>  function SetRealm($realm) {
>    $this->RelicRealm[] = $realm;
>  }
>  function SetRelicOwner($owner) {
>    $this->RelicOwner[] = $owner;
>  }
> }
> $temp = new Relic();
> $temp->SetName("olle");
> $temp->SetType("melee");
> $temp->SetRealm("Hibernia");
> $temp->SetRelicOwner("Albion");
> $temp->SetName("bertil");
> $temp->SetType("melee");
> $temp->SetRealm("Albion");
> $temp->SetRelicOwner("Hibernia");
> $temp->SetName("sture");
> $temp->SetType("magic");
> $temp->SetRealm("Midgard");
> $temp->SetRelicOwner("Midgard");
> $temp->PrintInfo();
> ?>
> </body>
> </html>
> the function PrintInfo prints out this: 
> '***************************************' OUTPUT 
> '**************************************'
> Array[0] : Array[0] : Array[0] : Array[0]
> Array[1] : Array[1] : Array[1] : Array[1]
> Array[2] : Array[2] : Array[2] : Array[2]
> heh,, not exacly what i wanted  :/
> regards
> patrick
> -- 
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