I compiled php on a linux machine and am experiencing problems whith

going to www.domainname.com/index.php in a browser works fine.
Clicking on links on this page such as
www.domainname.com/?page=team&teamcode=4938412 just sends me back to the
main www.domainname.com page.

Did a forget to compile in a specific feature of php or apache?

Here is the commands I used when compiling php and apache.

cd php-4.2.2
./configure --with-apache=/usr/local/src/apache_1.3.26
make install

*** added AddModule modules/php4/libphp4.a  to
apache_1.3.26/src/configuration  ***

cd /usr/local/src/apache_1.3.26
./configure --activate-module=src/modules/php4/libphp4.a
make install

Any help is greatly appreciated.  I apoligize iin advance for being such
a newbie.


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