> Hello, i have array $reserved_words which i want to replace with bold
> .. but when i tried to do str_replace($reserved_words,
> "<b>".$reserved_words."</b>", $string) it showed Array instead of
> <b>word</b>
> if i simply do  str_replace($reserved_words, $reserved_words,
> $string) then it shows the words not Array but not in bold ;)
> I know i could use 2 arrays one with bold words one without or i
> could use foreach but i want a simpler solution :)... Any suggestions

That does make sence.
You try to append <b> and prepend </b> to an array, which will (of course)
be converted to string then. Result is that you're call to the str_replaced
function can also be written as:

str_replace(  $reserved_words, '<b>Array</b>', $string )

which is definitely not what you want!
You have two options:
a) Create another array of reserved_words, only then appended and prepended
with <b> and </b>
b) Use the code from Olinux

Option B sounds best to me ;-))


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