I am very new in php and i have a little dummy question ;D
I have a dropdown box with a entry in it called "Coctail Blue"
Now i want to put the selected string  ("Coctail Blue" in this case) in to a
variable when i press the button below.
options.php is the page it should go after.

// ..SNIP ...

// Start Dropdown
echo '
<form name="theme" action="options.php" target=right class=menu>
&nbsp;&nbsp;<select name="theme">';
echo "<option value='".$i."'>".$theme_name[$i]."</option>\n";
//end dropdown

// Button
echo '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type=submit name=get value=select>';

//doesnt work:
$var_from_dropdown = theme

// ..SNIP ...

What did i do wrong?

Thank you!

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