Can anyone tell me what's wrong with my code?  All I get output from this is
the LAST row of data from my Database.  There are 2 rows, how do I make it
pull data from all of the rows?  It's not going through the loop like it
should....  I need to be able to tell the mysql_fetch_array which row I want
in each it iteration of the for loop.  The For loop increments counter, but
there is no syntax to add $counter to the result_type.  The same goes with

What am I forgetting!!??  I know it's something simple


$sql2 = mysql_connect("localhost", "eweb", "dbfun")
        or die("Could not connect <BR>");

mysql_select_db("actionregs", $sql2);

$top_level = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM williams", $sql2)
        or die("Could not do query <BR>");

$sql2_results = mysql_fetch_array($top_level);
$query_sql2_rows = mysql_num_rows($top_level);

echo $query_sql2_rows;
// echo's 2 rows

print "<table style=\"font-family:Verdana; font-size:10pt\" border=0
cellpadding=4 width=90%>";

print "<tr bgcolor=\"#c0c0c0\"><th width=50>Action ID</th><th
width=100>Owner</th><th width=250>Technology</th><th>Summary</th></tr>";

for ($counter=0; $counter < $query_sql2_rows; $counter++) {
        $tabledata = mysql_fetch_array($top_level);
        echo "<td>$tabledata[0]</td>";
        echo "<td>$tabledata[6]</td>";
        echo "<td>$tabledata[2]</td>";
        echo "<td>$tabledata[3]</td>";
        echo "</tr>";
print "</table>";


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