> Thats a Nice feaure you have, How do you do that?

I have a cron event on my server that grabs the relevant page from the
web site soon after it is updated (around 20 past each hour) using "lynx
-dump url" which then pipes the resulting page dump through grep to grab
just the line of data that includes my town and dumps that output to a

The file contains a single line of data that includes all of the
information I display plus some other stuff on the page that I don't

Within my php page I open that small file and load it into an array for
display on the page.

Obviously there's some error checking in there for various fail
conditions and some other stuff too but that's the basics of it.

I've looked at doing something similar for forecasts but as I don't
(yet) have a need to display them I haven't got around to it.

The main advantage of this method is that you're not grabbing the data
on every page load but, instead, only when the data on the source web
site can reasonably be expected to have changed.

<delurk>As well as running a business with my wife I work for the BoM
and have done for about 18 years now</delurk>

CYA, Dave

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