Ahah! That's what I was thinking, thatnks for helping me clear that up!

John Holmes wrote:

>>I have a chat script that I downloaded and according to the license I
>>can modify it as much as I want, and I'm a little stuck on a simple
>>modification I want to make. When you type in a message it stores in
>>a file called text.php and then the chat page does an include call for
>>the text.php file.  Currently, the writer of this script has it setup
>>all new text added is placed at the begining of the file using the
>>command, according to php.net with fopen if I switch the "w+" to "a+"
>>shoudl place the new data at the end of the file. However, when I make
>>this switch,  the data is still being placed at the begining of the
>>text.php file. I've including the portion of the script that writes to
>>text.php can someone help me find what I'm not seeing?
>>$filename = "text.php";
>>                $fileAr= file($filename);
>It's reading the whole file into an array here. The newest lines will
>still be first.
>>                exec("cat /dev/null > '$filename'");
>>                $fd = fopen( $filename, "w+" );
>This opens the file and truncates it to zero length.
>>                $filemessage = "<a
>>                $filemessage .="<font
>>                fputs($fd,$filemessage);
>This write the new, formatted message.
>>                $numLines = 20;
>>                for ($i=0;$i<$numLines;$i++) {
>>                    fputs($fd,$fileAr[$i]);
>And then write the first 20 lines of the file.
>>                }
>>                fclose( $fd );
>So, if you want it in the new format of newest chat last in the file,
>then use the same script, but fputs() the 20 old lines first, then the
>new line. Just change the order.
>This would work for you:
>$numLines = 20;
>$filename = "text.php";
>//read whole file
>$fileArr = file($filename);
>//open file and truncate to zero
>$fp = fopen($filename,"w+");
>//write 20 lines of old file to new file
>//format $message
>//write message to file
>//close file
>Adapt to your needs...
>---John Holmes...

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