I had the same problem, but a `make clean` fixed things up.

On Tue, 24 Sep 2002 15:54:55 +0000, David Busby wrote:

> List,
>       I'm trying to insstall PHP 4.2.3 on my RH73 box with Apache 2.0.40.  My 
> Configure script and my results are posted below, the error I'm getting 
> that I can't figure out is:
> libtool: link: warning: library `/usr/lib/libxml2.la' was moved.
> stub.lo: file not recognized: File truncated
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> make[1]: *** [libphp4.la] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/src/php-4.2.3'
> make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
> Here is my configure script, can someone please help me figure this one out?
> ./configure \
>    --prefix=/opt/php \
>    --includedir=/usr/include \
>    --mandir=/usr/share/man \
>    --infodir=/usr/share/info \
>    --with-config-file-path=/opt/php \
>    --enable-force-cgi-redirect \
>    --disable-debug \
>    --disable-short-tags \
>    --enable-dbg=shared \
>    --with-dbg-profiler \
>    --enable-pic \
>    --disable-rpath \
>    --enable-inline-optimization \
>    --without-bz2 \
>    --without-db3 \
>    --without-curl \
>    --with-dom=/usr \
>    --with-png-dir=/usr \
>    --without-gd \
>    --disable-gd-native-ttf \
>    --without-ttf \
>    --without-gdbm \
>    --with-gettext \
>    --without-ncurses \
>    --without-gmp \
>    --with-iconv \
>    --without-cdpflib \
>    --without-mm \
>    --with-openssl \
>    --with-png \
>    --without-pspell \
>    --with-regex=system \
>    --with-xml \
>    --with-zlib \
>    --with-layout=GNU \
>    --enable-bcmath \
>    --enable-debugger \
>    --enable-exif \
>    --enable-ftp \
>    --enable-magic-quotes \
>    --enable-safe-mode \
>    --enable-sockets \
>    --enable-sysvsem \
>    --enable-sysvshm \
>    --enable-discard-path \
>    --enable-track-vars \
>    --enable-trans-sid \
>    --disable-yp \
>    --enable-wddx \
>    --without-oci8 \
>    --without-imap \
>    --without-imap-ssl \
>    --without-kerberos \
>    --without-ldap \
>    --without-mysql \
>    --with-pgsql=shared \
>    --without-snmp \
>    --disable-ucd-snmp-hack \
>    --with-unixODBC=shared \
>    --enable-memory-limit \
>    --enable-bcmath \
>    --enable-shmop \
>    --enable-versioning \
>    --enable-calendar \
>    --enable-dbx \
>    --enable-dio \
>    --enable-mcal \
>    --disable-mbstring \
>    --enable-mbstr-enc-trans \
>    --with-apxs2=/opt/httpd/bin/apxs;
> /B

 Jason Morehouse (jm[@]netconcepts[.]com)
 Netconcepts - http://www.netconcepts.com
 Auckland, New Zealand
 Linux: Because rebooting is for adding hardware.

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