Hey all.  I've read the pear coding standards. 
I assume that if php has any official coding standards

then the pear standards would be them, correct?

Anyways, the pear docs on coding standards show
examples of using controls structures like 
the following:

if ( !$var ) {
else {

But I really don't like putting the opening brace 
on the same line as the control statement.

I really prefer doing this:

if ( $var ) 
{   do_something();


if( $var )
{   do_something();
{   do_something_else();

Putting the opening brace one line down on the same
column that the control statement starts on seems to 
give me a much better visual cue, especially when
dealing with nested control statements. 

Is doing it my preferred way acceptable?
Will my code be looked down on?


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