> make sure you have register_globals on in php.ini or your next question
> will be 'why isn't $compteur set to the value posted?'  Better would be to
> change the line to the new magic globals, and learn the right way from
> scratch:

I agree with you as far, as to learn the right way from scratch - but this is 
no POST-Var here. 

> echo "<input type='radio' name='interet' value='$animalType'";
> if ($_POST['compteur'] == 1) {
>   echo "checked";     
> }
> echo ">";

This is another bug in the script. Considering that, it would be correctly:
(Note the space between '"' and 'checked')

  echo "<input type='radio' name='interet' value='$animalType'";
  if ($compteur == 1) {
    echo " checked";
  echo ">";

or shorter:

    "<input type='radio' name='interet' value='$animalType'".
    ($compteur == 1 ? ' checked' : '') . ">";

Regards Sascha

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