Ahhhh, ok. You know am still having problems with elseif, else, Ok, thanks I
will give it a try.


On 10/1/02 11:03 PM, "Chris Shiflett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Chuck,
> I'm not sure what you're trying to do, but I think you might just want
> to order it the other way around.
> if ($days > "45")
> {
>    # $days is 46 or more
>    do stuff
> }
> elseif ($days > "30")
> {
>    # $days is 31-45
>    do other stuff;
> }
> else
> {
>    # $days is 30 or less
>    more stuff;
> }
> Also, be careful about overwriting $days with that long string and then
> trying to compare it to a numeric value. You probably want to use a
> different variable name for the string.
> Happy hacking.
> Chris
> Chuck \"PUP\" Payne wrote:
>> If ($days > "30") {
>>    $days "<strong><font color='ff0000'>" . $days . "</font></strong>";
>> }
>> Want I want to do was add a second line this below to change the another
>> value to change to change to another color...
>> If ($days > "45") {
>>    $days "<strong><font color='ff00ff'>" . $days . "</font></strong>";
>> }
>> But, the second value is over riding the first vaule so I can't see the
>> differents.

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