For a coursework assignment I have to investigate this thing where you do
the following for example:

264                    - Choose 3 digits that are not the same
12                      - Find the sum of them.

462                    - List all the possible combinations of those digits
2664                  - Add the combinations

 2664 / 12 = 222        - Divide the answer by the sum of the three digits
and you allways get 222!
To speed up the process of finding any exceptions if any, I thought id use
php to do this, however i get a problem, the script runs without any coding
errors, but it doesnt do what i want it to do - instead of returning any
three digit combo that doesnt return 222, it just prints EVERY combo whice
passes my conditional statement to weed out numbers that have digits where 2
or more are the same.

Here is my code:


for ($i = 012; $i < 987; $i ++) {

$comma = chunk_split($i, 1, ",");
$split = explode(",", $comma);

if ($split[0] == $split[1] || $split[0] == $split[2] || $split[1] ==
$split[2]) {
} else{

$digitstotal = $split[0] + $split[1] + $split[2];

$num1 = "$split[0].$split[1].$split[2]";
$num2 = "$split[0].$split[2].$split[1]";
$num3 = "$split[1].$split[0].$split[2]";
$num4 = "$split[1].$split[2].$split[0]";
$num5 = "$split[2].$split[0].$split[1]";
$num6 = "$split[2].$split[1].$split[0]";

$numtotal = $num1 + $num2 + $num3 + $num4 + $num5 + $num6;

$answer = $numtotal / $digitstotal;

if ($answer != 222) {
echo("$i does not return 222!<br>");

What is wrong with it? Any help at all is greatly apreciated.

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