If the PHP interpreter is installed, there is nothing stopping you from
using both (morals aside).

 Jason Morehouse (jm[@]netconcepts[.]com)
 Netconcepts - http://www.netconcepts.com
 Auckland, New Zealand
 Linux: Because rebooting is for adding hardware.

On Sun, 06 Oct 2002 21:10:22 +0000, Jgreening wrote:

> I have done a little searching and haven't really had a good solid answer
> for my question.
> I mainly use ASP for development (and will continue to), but I wanted to
> dabble in a little PHP for my own curiosity. I am using IIS 5 on Win XP Pro
> for my dev machine. I have a few ASP applications going and I am looking for
> some questions as to what to expect to happen if I set up IIS 5 to also run
> PHP. Am I putting my ASP projects in harms way, buy setting up IIS to use
> ASP and PHP?
> Any help would be appreciated, links to information would be just fine.
> Thanks.

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