> % The most common method is plain cookies.  But if you want guaranteed
> state,
> Sure, but I know that cookies won't work, so that rules them out.

Won't work, or you don't want to use them?

> % So, this rules out a complaint about complicated URLs, because you
> % have to type them.
> I may not have to type it as a programmer, but the user might have to
> type it as a surfer.

Why would the user have to type in a URL with a session id? Your session
ids are only good while the user is active and they will expire after a
certain amount of time. 

> % Why do you not wish to use URLs?
> Because they're cluttered and it puts the session ID also in the
> goto cache.

Again, why does that matter because that ID is only good while the user
is active. When they log out, it's worthless, or after a certain amount
of inactive time, it's worthless...

---John Holmes...

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