Ok thanks you ! :o)

Markus Fischer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit dans le message :
>     [Cc'd to [EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> On Tue, Oct 08, 2002 at 12:40:12PM +0200, Metal3d wrote :
> > Hello
> > I'm new here, and i'll try to stay ... :oP
> > I'm French so excuse me if i do mistakes .
> >
> > My friend and I have created a lib in php ( a framework) ...
> > So i wonder if it is possible to install this lib into PHP to use it
> > have to call include('class.inc') in scipts ...
> > If it is possible ... how can i do that ?
>     I think your answer is the 'auto_prepend_file' directive in
>     php.ini
> > Have i to recode this in C and compil an lib ? is there a documentation
> > it ?
>     http://www.php.net/manual/en/zend.php
>     Btw, such questions are best asked at
>     - Markus
> --
> GnuPG Key: http://guru.josefine.at/~mfischer/C2272BD0.asc
> <rei_> Derick, while ($xml) $ass->get_new_ideas();
> <[James]> Markus: IE on_user_fart()????
> -- People doesn't seem to like the new XHTML2 specs :) --

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