On 10 Oct 2002 at 0:48, Andrew Brampton wrote:

> Sorry for this slightly off topic question, but I beleive many of you
> will have delt with this kind of thing before.

Yeah off-topic but I was wondering the same thing myself as I have not 
done many carts in awhile.

> So can anyone recommend a good (maybe cheap) Merchant that can validate
> and charge credit cards online? My client is searching for some reviews
> online, but he asked if I could maybe get a list from progammers which
> have done it before.

A few months ago I setup a client with Authorize.net. I always hated 
using them as I lose control for a click but it worked out well. I save 
all the data before I send them off and then update their record when 
Authorize.net sends them back to the url that I gave them. It has 
worked well.

Last year I used Verisign and they were very good. Very helpful and 
simple API. They bought cybercash who I used to use all the time.

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