I think you might be unable to access documents outside the root if
you're in safe mode.

Just out of curiosity--have you tried su-ing to the Apache user and
executing your script as that user?

On Sun, 2002-10-13 at 21:36, David Cook wrote:
> Hi again all
> Just a bit more info, trying to track some more things down.
> I made a few changes, changed getmail so that it would allow the getmailrc
> file to be group writable, made a few changes to the user/group structure
> (including making apache a member of a specific new group, and then setting
> that group read/write on the getmailrc file (in theory now, apache should
> have read/write permissions to the file via the group), and did a bit more
> testing.
> Results,
> Executing the cgi script from command line still works (in that it displays
> results, whereas from the web the cgi STIL says that the file doesnt exist
> (this is via a quick if(file_exists($getmailfile)) etc.. etc..(least I didnt
> break anything else) :)
> I find this interesting, as the file definately DOES exist, and further,
> theoretically the web server should have access via the group permissions.
> I was a little curious if this may be a bahaviour of the apache php module,
> in that it is incapable of working with files outside docroot? this should
> not be the case though, as with a number of the other modules I am using,
> and have written, files get written to temp (while they are being uploaded)
> and other files are written outside docroot for other purposes, without any
> real problems so far, this is getting curiouser and curiouser as Alice said
> Any suggestions or thoughts anyone?
> Puzzled.
> David Cook
> -- 
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