There is not  real code to catch it. It is passed to a hidden field in a 
form, echoing the id number and then a query based on id. Very simple 
and has worked form php3 through 4.06. That is why I was wondering if I 
had something turned off in the ini for 4.2.3. The links form the other 
page is showing up in the url <a href=\"edart.php?id=$id\">edit</a>.


Brad Bonkoski wrote:
> How about a code snippet of how you are retrieving the variable?
> -Brad
> Gary wrote:
>>  My host has upgraded to 4.2 but still uses the old ini setting. I am
>>trying to rewrite my scripts so when the day comes for my host to make
>>the change I will be ready. Everything has been going well till now. I
>>have been passing an id through a url string. Now when I try to pass the
>>id it show up in the url but does nothing. If i check if it is
>>set, it is not. IT is supposed to pass the id number to mysql on the
>>linked page. I there something I am missing some new way or do I need to
>>turn on something in the ini?
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