
I'm using a 3rd pary debug class (ErrorHandler -
http://www.phpclasses.org/browse.html/package/345.html) in this project I'm
working on. For this ErrorHandler class to work it just needs to be
instantiated at the beginning of a php file and it will catch the errors,
warnings and notices.

But I found out that this only functions when instantiating like this:
    $errorH =& new ErrorHandler;
and it doesn't work when you do this:
    $errorH = new ErrorHandler;

I find this very awkward because:
- I don't see the use of a reference when creating a new object.
- I don't see why it does NOT work when assigning the object while it DOES
work when assigning a reference to the object.

Does anyone have a clue why this could be happening?? I'm _very_ curious coz
I simply don't get it. 8[


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