
Monday, October 28, 2002, 1:44:37 AM, you wrote:
SJ> I have two test carts online at the moment.
SJ> This one works fine:
SJ> http://www.violasystems.com/shop/

SJ> this one is the one I want to get working
SJ> http://www.violasystems.com/shop_testing/

SJ> The code for the first shop basically increments the cart by one when the
SJ> submit button is added using the commented out code.

SJ> $qty = $formqty;
SJ>  if($cart[$new])
SJ>       //$cart[$new]++;
SJ>    $cart[$new] = $cart[$new] + $qty;
SJ>     else
SJ>       $cart[$new] = 1;
SJ>     $total_price = calculate_price($cart);
SJ>     $items = calculate_items($cart);

SJ> I have added the rest (taking a variable from the form $formqty and adding
SJ> it to the cart)
SJ> Can anyone see why doesn't this work?

You seem to have other problems than the code here ..

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in 
/www/u1255/shop_testing/show_cart.php on line 30


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