Hello Tine,

it looks okay to me but....looks like you have met two conditions at
time ($sted == "") and ($telefon == "0")....why dont u make something
like this?

if (empty($sted) || empty($telefon)) {
 include header
   if (empty($sted)){
   echo ....STED NOT FILLED...
   if (empty($telefon)){
   echo .....TELEFON NOT FILLED...
 include footer

that checks value of both variables...checks if they are empty....
that || means or...so if $sted or $telefon are empty it will display
your code.....first it will implement include header then he will
display what is not filled based on if...and finaly it will include

hope it helps

T> if ($sted == ""){
T>   include("head.inc");
T>      echo("Du fylte ikke ut <span class=\"formfelt\">sted</span>.<br>
T> <blockquote>&raquo; <a href=\"m_skap.html\" class=\"linkdot\">Tilbake til
T> skjemaet</a></blockquote>");
T>   include("foot.inc");
T>      $Envoi = 0;
T> }
T> else {
T>      $MailBody .= "Sted : $sted\n";
T> }
T> if ($telefon == "0"){
T>   include("head.inc");
T>      echo("Du fylte ikke ut <span class=\"formfelt\">telefonnummeret</span>
T> ditt.<br> <blockquote>&raquo; <a href=\"m_skap.html\"
class=\"linkdot\">>Tilbake til skjemaet</a></blockquote>");
T>   include("foot.inc");
T>      $Envoi = 0;
T> }
T> else {
T>      $MailBody .= "Telefon : $telefon\n";
T> }
T> if ($epost == ""){
T>   include("head.inc");
T>      echo("Du fylte ikke ut <span class=\"formfelt\">e-postaddressen</span>
T> din.<br> <blockquote>&raquo; <a href=\"m_skap.html\"
class=\"linkdot\">>Tilbake til skjemaet</a></blockquote>");
T>   include("foot.inc");
T>      $Envoi = 0;
T> }
T> else {
T>      $MailBody .= "E-post : $epost\n";

T> }
T> if ($kommentarer == ""){
T>   include("head.inc");
T>      echo("Du fylte ikke ut <span class=\"formfelt\">kommentarer</span>.<br>
T> <blockquote>&raquo; <a href=\"m_skap.html\" class=\"linkdot\">Tilbake til
T> skjemaet</a></blockquote>");
T>   include("foot.inc");
T>      $Envoi = 0;
T> }
T> else {
T>      $MailBody .= "Kommentarer : $kommentarer\n";

T> }

Best regards,
 Martin                            mailto:corwin@;corwin.sk

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