Why domains.domain_id and users.user_id are not auto_increment?

Mat Harris wrote:

attached is a dump of the mysql database. The passkeys are not on a per user
basis, but rather per domain. this can change if that is not good.

On Wed, Oct 30, 2002 at 03:36:58 +0100, Martin Hudec wrote:

Hello Mat,

MH> hi, i am a competant perl programmer of nearly a year and a half and I have
MH> just this week started looking at php.

I am the same but reversed ;)...just started perl :)

MH> I am trying to write a couple of webpages that will allow me to update a
MH> mysql database which is powering a dns server, for a dynamic dns service.

sounds pretty easy for me....

MH> every time i have tried to grab some stuff from the database and check the
MH> login or domain permissions, I get stuck in a mess of ifs and whiles.

what kind of ifs and whiles? well when i am looking below to see
tables in db i think user will log in...then he will see only his
domains (identified by user_id) and he need to be able to modify them,
delete them etc...am I right? Hmmm what kind of keys?...i cant see any
password or something like that in users table, only user_ids
(probably auto_incrementing PK) and usernames...hmmm

MH> can anyone give me an idead on the best method/starting place.

MH> my database looks like this:

MH> users -- pairs of usernames/user_ids
MH> domains -- matches domainnames/domain_ids/passkeys to user_ids
MH> records -- all the dns records. not got to this point yet.

Best regards,
Martin mailto:corwin@;corwin.sk

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