
I started to learn PHP yesterday, and I have just entered a little problem.
In my index.php file. I have this line:

<? if ($page== '') { $page="main.php" ; } else { $page=$page.""; } include ($page); ?>

wich controles the main page locaton, just like frames. It makes the files appear in 
the middle of the site.

Now over to the problem:

I am making a newsscript with PHP and PostgreSQL. I have now gotten PHP to extract the 
news from the database.
I am using numbers as ID for each post. 1, 2 ,3, 4, 5, 6 and so on.
I use them to make a READ MORE link on the news posts.
I am calling my "READ MORE"-page for main2.php, this contains PHP code that finds the 
story thats connected to the given number. and I use this to make it appear: <a 
href="main2.php?id=row['id']> sort of speak..

The problem:

This link gives me the story:


But that makes it go on a seperate page.
And this link does not work at all:
It returns this error:

Warning: Failed opening 'main2.php?id=7' for inclusion 
(include_path='.:/usr/share/pear') in /home/critical/public_html/maloy/index.php on 
line 21

Line 21 is the following:
<? if ($page== '') { $page="main.php" ; } else { $page=$page.""; } include ($page); ?>

How can I write it so I can use:

Paul Ottar Tornes.

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