What you describe is what SHOULD happen and does on that web site, that does NOT happen on my web site, with the exact same code I posted in the original message.

So, the question remains, what would cause the SID to be blank every other click?

Yes, I have also used Netscape on Linux to connect to the same machine without cookies, same result.


Jason Wong wrote:

On Monday 04 November 2002 10:24, Steve Fatula wrote:

If you want to see a site where the small program works (and be SURE and
turn cookies off), click here:

So, can anyone tell me why it does not work on MY site(s)? Any ideas?
Surely this is a PHP configuration issue/bug perhaps? Logically, I don't
see any settings that could possibly affect the outcome using this

Have you tried any browsers other than IE 5.5?

First time I go into that page, my URL shows this


Clicking on the link appends the session id to the URL. As does clicking on the link again (same session id). Ad infinitum.

So basically it works?

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