$result = eregi_replace("($search)","<span
class=hightlight>\\0</span>",$result) ;

I use it, and I work fine for me.

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Russell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 04, 2002 7:27 PM
Subject: [PHP] Battling with highlighting search criteria

> Hi there,
> My brain has just gone very fuzzy...
> I have a search string ($search) and a result ($result). I need to
> highlight every occurance of $search in $result.
> I know that it means that I need to change (for example)
> $result = "This is a test, isn't it?"
> $search = "is"
> Into
> $result = "th<span class="highlight">is</span> <span
> class="highlight">is</span> a test, <span class="highlight">is</span>'nt
> it"
> Now I can easily see how to change the FIRST occurrence of the word, but
> how can I change every occurance?
> Thanks
> David Russell
> IT Support Manager
> Barloworld Optimus (Pty) Ltd
> Tel: +2711 444-7250
> Fax: +2711 444-7256
> web: www.BarloworldOptimus.com

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