I'd just like to see if I can get some feedback from PHP pros to see if anyone is doing anything like this.

I've got a request to build a two part form, I was thinking it would be a page built with frames, when the top portion is filled out, the selections there would determine what page would fill the bottom portion. But since the bottom would also be a form for submission, I just thought I'd build it with PHP so that hidden fields on it would store the data from the top portion. Then, a submit gets all the data on one form.

Is anyone doing this? Any problems I'm overlooking? I was thinking of a simple javascript action on the upper form to kick off the php for the lower frame.

I'd appreciate any feedback regarding this. Is this something I should be using PHP for?

Chris Rehm

For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
Gal. 5: 14

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