Sorry before.
I Just to try to Explain my Problem
may be this my reason ..
I have Two Text Fields
The First Text Field i call it "InputX" <input type='text' name='InputX' size='50'>
and The Second Text Field I Call it "InputY", Generatable Field (using javascripts), if User Click the Button ("AddRow's Button") for Generated / produce the InputY, may be like the sample..
Blabla.innerHTML = "<input type='text' name='InputY' size='50'>" ;
I need to insert data from Fields to the server, the Code will Post the value of Fields ("InputX" and "InputY(s)") by once submit to the server, and amount of value of data saved depent on how many "InputY" I have, or how many times User click my "AddRow" Button and fill Text Fields.
This The sample result data will send to server in once post data, if user click 5 Times "AddRow's Button". and fill it's with these value
i have done before with my asp code. and it's Worked.
i = 0
Inputx = request("Inputx")
dim vary(100)
for each y in request("InputY")
vary(i) = y
i = i + 1
for each x in request("inputY")
insertq = "Insert into Nsoftware(X, Y) values ('" & Inputx & "','" & vary(i) & "')"
set save = conn.execute(insertq)
i = i + 1
I just to translate from asp code to php code
I try this code with php, but i still found an Error.
$i = 0;
foreach($InputY as $y){
$vary[$i] = $y;
foreach($InputX as $x){
$insertq = "Insert into NSoftware (X, Y) values ('$InputX','$vary[$i]')";
echo $insertq."<br>";
?> <--- 55
Parse error: parse error, unexpected $ in /home/intra/Inventroot/software/savedata.php on line 55
i got error out of range of my code..,
or may be these not a good idea to translate my asp code to php??
sorry about my english
Rasmus Lerdorf writes:
Your code is bogus. You probably want:
$vary[$i] = $y;
And $vary(100) also makes no sense.
Also, why are you looping through the $InputY array and putting all the
values into $vary? Why not just do $vary = $InputY; ?
If it is because you need to renumber the indices, have a look at the
array_values() function.
On Thu, 7 Nov 2002, Remon Redika wrote:
Parse error: parse error, unexpected '=' in
/home/intra/Inventroot/software/savedata.php on line 35
$i = 0;
foreach($InputY as $y){
$vary($i) = $y; <---------line 35
foreach($Nama_Software as $x){
$insertq = "Insert into NSoftware (X, Y) values
echo $insertq."<br>";

Jon Haworth writes:
> Hi Remon,
>> I try this script with php, but i found an Error.
> It would be helpful if you could show us this error message.
>> $vary(100);
> At the very least, you should change this line to
> $vary = array();
> Cheers
> Jon
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