
I have this ereg call

ereg("([-d])[rwxst-]{9}.* [0-9]* [a-zA-Z]+ [0-9: ]* (.+)",$dirline,$regs);

This regular expressions parses the following line:

drwxrwxrwx   1 owner    group               0 Nov  5 23:19 fantasy

to return: fantasy
(or in general any filename/directory name)

The above regular expression works fine in every except when the filename is
something like this:

drwxrwxrwx   1 owner    group               0 Nov  5 23:19 6 fantasy

Notice in this case the filename is "6 fantasy" however $regs[1] returns
only: "fantasy"

Can anyone help me to fix this problem.
Thanks a bunch

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