I'm just curious.
Why do you want to echo within an echo?
echo '<form action="'.$PHP_SELF.'">';
will do the trick won't it?
Unless I miss the point, I cannot see why you need to open new php tags
for this?

On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 14:25, Ernest E Vogelsinger wrote:
> At 12:15 08.11.2002, Philipp Bolliger spoke out and said:
> --------------------[snip]--------------------
> >subject's allready my question ! I want to echo something like : "<form 
> >action = \",?php echo $PHP_SELF ?> \" >" so that the action becomes <? 
> >echo $PHP_SELF ?> !! But I can't figure out how to escape ?> so that the 
> >  interpreter doesn't take it as the end of the script ! Any idea ?
> --------------------[snip]-------------------- 
> Try 
> echo '<form action="', '<', '?', 'php echo $PHP_SELF', '?', '>', '">';
> This should work (untested)
> -- 
>    >O Ernest E. Vogelsinger 
>    (\) ICQ #13394035 
>     ^ http://www.vogelsinger.at/

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