escape your backslashes:

$cmd = "c:\\abc\\hello.exe";

Ladan Pickering wrote:

I am unable to execute my c++ program from within PHP when it runs as a
cgi in Apache. I am able to run:

$cmd="dir c:\abc"
system ($cmd, $errCode);

and see the content of the directory, but I don't seem to
be able to run a simple hello.exe (c++) file.

$cmd = "c:\abc\hello.exe";
system ($cmd, $errCode);

The errCode always comes back with 128. What does 128 mean?

Here is some info on my setup.
OS: Windows XP
Server: Apache 2.0.43 (win32)
PHP 4.2.3
I am running PHP as a CGI

I am able to execute my c++ program (hello.exe) from this .php file just fine if I use the PHP cli.

I appreciate any help.

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