"Khalid El-Kary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi,
> the script infact never used register_globals because it's a
> class that has nothing to do with the direct script input, but
> there's an idea that came to my mind, maybe the company
> compiled its own PHP? may this change anything?
It's not impossible but I don't think they would really do that. Maybe you
should ask them. Or, run phpinfo() and check. Did you check? What did you
find out?
> generally is Linux different from windows in String functions?
Generally no, I don't think so.
> encoding for example?
It's possible that they are different but you can check phpinfo().
Also, if you're using multi-byte functions there's a possibility that your
the company you're using did not compile php with this feature enabled.
> thanx edwin, and sorry for writing so unpercise questions
Well, later when you are ready to ask precise or specific questions, I'm
sure a lot more people will help you :-)
Anyway, as I have mentioned earlier, run phpinfo() in Windows and in Linux
then compare them. THEN, you might just find out what's causing the
- E
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