I use the attached on a site of mine... works with JavaScript and <DIV> tags.

There are 2 parts to the file - the javascript, and then the HTML code to make it happen. Tweak according to your needs.


At 11:00 AM 11/20/2002 -0500, you wrote:
I have a large amount of data to present to the user.  Currently, I am just
putting it in a table and displaying it on the page, if it is more than a
page of course the page just scrolls.  Is there a way o, without using
frames, to put all the data from the db in the middle of the page with a
scroll bar on the side that just scrolls the data, I mean the header and
footer of the php page do not move?  I am sure I will need javascript for


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Fourth Realm Solutions
Tel: 519-739-1652
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  1.  Insert the first code in a new file, save as popup.html
  2.  Add the opening code to the BODY of your main HTML document  -->

<!-- STEP ONE: Insert the first code in a new file, save as popup.html  -->


<!-- Begin


function verScroll(dir, spd, loop) {
loop = true;
direction = "up";
speed = 10;
scrolltimer = null;
if (document.layers) {
var page = eval(document.contentLayer);
else {
if (document.getElementById) {
var page= eval("document.getElementById('contentLayer').style");
else {
if (document.all) {
var page = eval(document.all.contentLayer.style);
direction = dir;
speed = parseInt(spd);
var y_pos = parseInt(page.top);
if (loop == true) {
if (direction == "dn") {
page.top = (y_pos - (speed));
} else {
if (direction == "up" && y_pos < 10) {
page.top = (y_pos + (speed));
} else {
if (direction == "top") {
page.top = 10;
scrolltimer = setTimeout("verScroll(direction,speed)", 1);
function stopScroll() {
loop = false;
//  End -->
<div id="contentLayer" style="position:absolute; width:300px; z-index:1; left: 39px; 
top: 51px"> 

insert your text here !!

<div id="scrollmenu" style="position:absolute;width:200px;height:30px;z-index:1; 
left:400px; top: 40px">
<table border=1><tr><td>
<td align=left>Up</td>
<td> </td>
<td align=right>Down</td>
<td colspan=3>
<a href="#" onMouseOver="verScroll('up','25','true')" 
<a href="#" onMouseOver="verScroll('up','5','true')" onMouseOut="stopScroll()"><<</a> 
<a href="#" onMouseOver="verScroll('up','1','true')" onMouseOut="stopScroll()"><</a> |
<a href="#" onMouseOver="verScroll('dn','1','true')" onMouseOut="stopScroll()">></a> 
<a href="#" onMouseOver="verScroll('dn','5','true')" onMouseOut="stopScroll()">>></a> 
<a href="#" onMouseOver="verScroll('dn','25','true')" onMouseOut="stopScroll()">>>></a>

<!-- STEP TWO: Add the opening code to the BODY of your main HTML document  -->


<form name="scrollwindow">
<input type=button value="Open Scroll Window" 

<font face="arial, helvetica" SIZE="-2">Free JavaScripts provided<br>
by <a href="http://javascriptsource.com";>The JavaScript Source</a></font>

<!-- Script Size:  7.99 KB -->
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