Creative thinking to a smart solution. I will keep that in mind for future sites.


At 10:35 AM 11/21/2002 +1100, Justin French wrote:
> If you know that your client base will ever only use IE, then go for
> it.  Otherwise, you'll have to avoid the iframe.

That sounds a little harsh!

You can put a message in place of the iframe, for those who don't support

<iframe src="" blah blah>
Sorry, your browser does not support iframes, to view the content of this
frame, <a href="">click here</a>.

Or better still, you can actually PUT SOME CONTENT IN THERE.

I have an iframe which lists multiple tour dates for a band, sorted in date
order... if the iframe can be used, the user gets ALL upcomming gigs ina
scroller, otherwise they just get the next 3 (using approximately the same
amount of space), with a link to view all gigs.

iframes CAN work in many cases, if you think about it.
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Fourth Realm Solutions
Tel: 519-739-1652
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