
There could be a lot of problems here but what *exactly* is the problem? No
more coffee, perhaps? :)

Post the error, if there's any. Or, take away the "@" sign and see what

- E

"Paul Dionne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ug, I hate Mondays.  <stretches> must drink more coffee.</stretches>
> Anyway, got a problem I hope someone can help with or at least jumpstart
> brain.
> I wrote a few web pages, work fine on my machine.  Uploaded them on Friday
> and they don't seem to work.  Looks like I am not connecting to the
> database because every page I look at seems to end when it is suppose to
> connect.
> //******************************************************************
> function ConnOpen($CheckForError)
> {
>         @ $db = mysql_pconnect("webserver", "username", "password");
>                 if (!$db)
>                 {
>                 $CheckForError= "Error: Could not connect to database.
> ase try again later.";
>                 return $CheckForError;
>                 exit;
>                 }
>         mysql_select_db("database");
> }
> //******************************************************************

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