Hi, everyone:
    I am a Chinese, I am a programmer.
    I encounter a problem about php.
    Attachment is 1.php,
    when i open this file (this file is saved at linux server, apache and
php 4.2.3 are installed on this server) in Internet Explorer, error

     Parse error: parse error, expecting `','' or `';'' in
/usr/3give/test/1.php on line 5

    (If your computer is windows 2000, and Simplify Chinese and Traditional
chinese language are installed) you will read the Chinese word.

    I found that if the hex code for Chinese word ends with '5C', then the
error will exist.
    Anymore, if I input a Chinese word which hex code ends with '5C' in the
database field, then the display result will add a suffix '\', for example,
if i input "жап\", it will display "жап\\" at the browser (Internet
    I don't know why this problem exist, can you solve this problem for us?

 Contact me by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; (86)755-27232311->samuel

Best regards

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