Hey Andy,

> I'm trying to track down a problem with someone else's
> code. Our hosting service changed PHP versions on us
> (up to 4.0.6), and everything broke. I think I have
> tracked down at least part of the problem. We have a

Ascertain differences by printing out a phpinfo() report for the new config
and comparing with previous (obvious logic flaw noted!). It is as important
for developers (as for installers) to read the ChangeLog
(http://www.php.net/ChangeLog-4.php) to see what's new/different between

> But the output of the print statement looks like this:
> funA START: file: productBrief, name: \, alt: \, size: 177\
> So where did the darned backslashes come from? Any ideas?

Magic_quotes will do this. Check out manual: LXXIX. PHP
Options&Information - the hosting service may have changed the setting on
you. Follow links to learn how to SET and GET from within scripts.


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