Hi Anthony,

> I'm using MS Win 98 and my ISP has PHP installed on a MS server.
> I'd like to display a HTML form box on my site for users to type in a
> message utilizing the PHP mail() function.
> I've tested this using Apache on my drive with a html form and a php
> to receive the data and it works fine - but when the site goes live it
> be hosted with an ISP with a MS server - not Apache.
> Is it possible to utilize the PHP mail function under these conditions?
> I was led to believe that I could change the configurations in my php.ini
> file from:
> SMTP: localhost
> to
> SMTP: mail.yourisp.com

I use Win2000Prof with Apache, and have Win2000Svr with IIS. In each case I
use a separate and external SMTP server.

This is the relevant section of PHP.INI:
[mail function]
; For Win32 only.
; For Win32 only.

When you use PHP provided by a service, you will need to establish what they
have set up as SMTP server, and if it is not acceptable to you (for whatever
reason that might be) work out how to override it.

I use a script/class from PHPguru.org, and I can't say for sure that it even
looks at the PHP.INI settings because I set them directly/again within the
mail function's code. Highly recommended!


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