Is there a way of getting a php to display all the spaces in a file.
i have used this to display an nfo file on my site:

$fol = $_GET['fol']; 
$nfono = $_GET['nfono'];
<title><? echo $nfo ?></title>
<body background="images/backg.jpg">

$file = "nfo/".$fol."/".$nfo."";
$fp = fopen($file, "r"); 
$fc = fread($fp, filesize($file));
echo nl2br($fc);
--------------------------------------------nfo/$fol/ind.txt (tells the script 
filenames for the nfo files)
if $nfono == "1" {
$nfo = "nfo_file_1.nfo
else if $nfono == "2" {
$nfo = "nfo_file_2.nfo

now since nfo files tend to include a fair bit of of ASCII art in them, i was 
wandering if there's a way to preserve the spaces in this file, so the ASCII art is 


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