If your local machine is running Windows you could also use Personal Web
Server or IIS (whichever comes with your Windows) for the web server (of
course you will also need a local copy of php, but this is very easy to set

David Eisenhart

"Ubergoober" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> You might consider downloading a package like foxserve
> (http://sourceforge.net/projects/foxserv) for your system. This is an
> apache/php bundle that will allow you to test your code from a local
> instance of php.
> "Paul Lazare" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > A Company Programmed my Homepage in PHP. Now I want to make simple
> > like changing some text. And I want to try it alone, so I got myselv
> > PHPEdit.
> >
> > I copied the complete Homepage on my harddisc to work on it tiht PHP
> > and everthing works fine.
> >
> > But how can I see the result of the changes (without uploading it the
> > provider again)?
> >
> > I allready tried to click on "new browser" and it is opening an empty
> > browser...
> >
> > sorry for the beginner question. Am I in the right newgroup for this
> > question?
> >
> > greetings, paul
> >
> >

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