Hi all;

do you know how to decrypt password('xxx'); value?

For example

I have a function that mails password to user's mail address

result is here;

User Name: xjunky
Password :1ef781ad7c4b0dc2

I've inserted the password as password('$passw');

and selected as belove

function notify_password($username,$email){
        if (!($conn = db_connect())) return false;
        $result = mysql_query("select email,pass from site_members where 
User_Name='$username' and email='$email'");
        $email = mysql_result($result, 0, "email");
        $password=mysql_result($result, 0, "pass");
        $from = "From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] \r\n";
        $mesg = "User Name: $username\r\n"
                ."Password : $password \r\n"
        if (mail($email, "Password Information", $mesg, $from)){
                return true;
                return false;


how to send the true value of th password?

thanks everybody who cares with it.

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