> Lately we discovered that, by mistake, we've run PHP with
> on for a few months for all our customers.
> Since we want to turn it off, we need to figure out which customers
> the
> 'register_globals' functionality so we can ask them to modify their
> scripts.

Why do you want to turn it off? Turning register_globals off doesn't
instantly make your scripts more secure, by any means. All it does is
invite people that depend on it to write a quick work around that
emulates register_globals as best as they can and they drive on with the
same issues the _might_ of had before. The problem is not with
register_globals, it's with poor logic in scripts that do not initialize
their own variables. 

> However, checking all php code by hand is a non-trivial task, because
> there
> are 20,000+ php scripts. Is there a way to:
> a) parse all .php scripts once and detect whether they depend on
> globals on?
> or probably easier:
> b) add something to our current setup so that when a scripts is
> and
> uses the register globals functionality, we get a notification
> automatically?

No, there's no way to do that very easily. I guess you could parse one
of their HTML forms and parse the ACTION page of the form and check for
_POST, _GET, or maybe even HTTP_GET_POST or HTTP_GET_VARS, but that's no
definitive answer that every script they have uses globals or not. 

Bottom line, the best thing you can do is to educate your customers on
how to write PHP scripts correctly and advise them to turn register
globals off on their own site (with .htaccess if you're using apache). 

---John W. Holmes...

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