[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jan GrafströM) wrote in 

> Hi,
> I wonder if I can mail 300 customers in one click?
> part of script:
> while($listrow = mysql_fetch_array($listresult))  {
>     $recipient = $listrow[epost];
>     $subject = "$subj";
>     $message = "$mess";
>     $headers .= "From: $admail\n";
>     $headers .= "Reply-To: $admail\n";
>     $headers .= "X-Mailer: PHP\n";
>     mail($recipient, $subject, $message, $headers);
> }
> or is there a limit?
> Thanks for any help
> Jan Grafstrom

take a look at
set_time_limit (0);

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