Three different topics, perhaps suited to three seperate emails, but I'll
cover them all in one.

Firstly, something regarding accessing form/query string variables, on
diffferent versions of PHP. Starts to become a nightmare, but you also want
to make sure you _aren't_ requiring register_globals to be on...

so what I do;

function Form($var = null)
    if (function_exists('version_compare')) // added in 4.1.0
        return @$_POST[$var];
    global $HTTP_POST_VARS;
    return @$HTTP_POST_VARS[$var];

then just

$variable = Form('field');

you can adapt the code for the other various http variable arrays etc. I
have encapsulated it in a class, and also, to remove the call to the
function_exists function every time I attempt to get variable

define('MY_PHP_VERSION', function_exists('version_compare'));

then the if statement becomes if (MY_PHP_VERSION) {

Now, a couple of other things to discuss.

can anyone else confirm my conclusion;

define('MYSTRING', 'Hello World');
for ($i = 0; $i < 5000; $i++) { echo MYSTRING; }

class Msg { function MyString() { return 'Hello World'; } }
for ($i = 0; $i < 5000; $i++) { echo Msg::MyString(); }

that creating a static class, with static members, and calling those,
instead of using define() variables, is actually faster?


for ($i = 0; $i < 5000; $i++) { echo $i; }

$i = 5000; while ($i--) { echo $i; }

that the decrementing while loop is actually faster than a for loop?

btw I'm aware that a decrementing while loop can not be a replacement for
every for loop situation, but there are times when you can use it instead,
and from what I can see, its faster.

Hope I made sense. I'm in a rush! Also my first post to the list for about 4
years! These things could have been discussed already so I apologise, just
in case.



// Sean Malloy
// Developer
// element
// t: +61 3 9510 7777
// f: +61 3 9510 7755
// m: 0413 383 683

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