On Wed, 25 Dec 2002, @ Nilaab wrote:

> I have an multi-dimensional array called $cat_data, which is info extracted
> from a MySQL DB. I want to retrieve the very last item of that array. How
> would I do that? I know the first item can be retrieved by simply asking for
> $cat_data[0][0], which contains an id number. But I can't figure out how to
> get the last item in that same array -- $cat_data[x][0] where x is the last
> item in the array.

Naturally, the index of last item of an array is one less than the total
number of elements in the array.

$num_elements = count( $cat_data );
$last_element = $cat_data[$num_elements-1][0];
// 0 being what you were seeking


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