Use a here-doc:

echo <<<EOB
<br>[$data] <br> $titulo <br>($user)<br> $intro <br> $texto
<br><br> (comentarios=$contador)<br><br><hr size=1 width=90%><br>


On Fri, 27 Dec 2002, Pag wrote:

>       Hi,
>       i am trying to make my work a little easier when editing the appearance of
> a news site i am building. As it is, everytime i want to change the looks
> of how each news appears, i have to edit inside the print('  '); which is
> annoying, because of the backslash with " problem thing(when i need to have
> a " inside a print, i need to put a \, you know), for example:
>       i have:
>       print("<br>[$data] <br> $titulo <br>($user)<br> $intro <br> $texto
> <br><br> (comentarios=$contador)<br><br><hr size=1 width=90%><br>");
>       Cant i do something like having the code inside the print on an external
> file? so when i want to change something, i only edit that file, instead of
> dealing with the print itself, like this:
>       [some command(s) that put the content of the external file "" in
> variable $a]
>       print ("$a");
>       I dont even know what to look for in the net. This problem is so i, later
> on, can code some sort of backend in the ways of greymatter, that people
> can change the looks of the news entries by themselves.
>       Thanks.
>       Pag
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