Make the "Delete" button a link with href="delcategory.php?catid=$catid", maybe with additional
information so you can redirect the browser back to where it has been (page #, parent category ...)

Cesar Aracena wrote:

Hi all,

I'm making the administration part of a site which handles categories,
sub categories and products. Inside the "Categories" part, there's a
"List categories" button which gives a list of the categories and sub
categories when pressed. Along with each category, there's a "Delete"
button that, when pressed, it's supposed to delete that category from
the DB. The problem here is that the lists is made dynamically using a
FOR loop and is being placed inside a FORM so the action is handled
through an ACTION="" tag.

Now, the ACTION tag points to a php file which deletes the desired row
in the DB. The question is how to tell that php file (through GET or
POST) which row to delete... My first shot was to name each "Delete" or
submit button inside form like "delcategory?catid=0001" but then the
POST wasn't reading that...

Any thoughts? Thanks in advance,

Cesar L. Aracena
(0299) 156-356688
Neuquén (8300) Capital

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