>       When i retrieve the text i have on my database, which was taken
> a
> form textbox, i have line breaks ate the end of each line in the
> Ah, hard to explain!
>       My textbox is small, and everytime, while writing a text in it,
> line
> ends and we continued writing on the next one, thats the formatting my
> text
> on the database gets. It doesnt recognize the line breaks we want (by
> pressing ENTER), but takes line breaks simply from reaching the end of
> textbox. How can that be?
>       Before i insert the text from the textbox into the database, i
> this:
>       $texto = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $texto);
>       $texto = str_replace("\r", "\n", $texto);
>       And when i want to retrieve the text from the database to
display it
> on
> the site, i do:
>       $texto = str_replace("\n", "<br>", $texto);

Are you using a WRAP attribute on your TEXTAREA? You'll want to set it
to OFF or NONE, probably. I can't remember the exact values, it can
take, but I think it's PHYSICAL, VIRTUAL, and NONE/OFF. 

---John W. Holmes...

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