You don't need to accept cookies for sessions. That's the beauty of it.
PHP automatically appends ?PHPSESSID=$sessid to URLs.

If you do header("Location: abc") however you will need to add the seession ID to the 

You cannot read a session var on the same page that you set it I found.

To get around this I personally register the sessions vars and also set 
$_SESSION['whatever'] = 1;
That way the next time I call the function I can still look for it under the same name.

I use a auth.php include file on eachprotected page. It basically looks to see if you 
have a session... if not asks you to log in and creates the session for you.
If you have a session it just skips all the checking.

You will have to tweak this...  especiallu since I use my own class for db stuff...  
but here it is... enjoy.

        $sessid = session_id();
        // DEBUGGING


                        // Are we coming from the form?
                        if (isset($authaction) && $authaction == 1 ) {


                                // Lets clean up the email var
                                $email = strtolower(trim($_POST['email']));

                                // Create an SQL object
                                $sql = new MySQL_class;

                                // Let see if we have this person as a registered user
                                $sql->QueryRow("Select unum, pw, cur_member, pref_lang 
from user where lower(email) like '$email'");
                                if ($sql->rows == 0) {
                                        ErrorMsg("Incorrect e-mail or password.");

                                // Compare passwords
                                $row = $sql->data;
                                if (strcmp($_POST['pw'], $row['pw']) != 0 ) {
                                        ErrorMsg("Incorrect e-mail or password.");

                                // Everything matches up lets register our vars

                                $mysession = array ("unum" => $row['unum'], "email" => 
"$email", "lang" => $row['pref_lang']);
                                setcookie ("email", "", time() - 7776000, "/", 
"", 0);
                                setcookie ("email", "$email", time() + 7776000, "/", 
"", 0);
                                $_SESSION['mysession']['unum'] = $row['unum'];

                                // update there last login
                                $sql->Update("UPDATE user SET last_login = now() WHERE 
unum = " . $row['unum']);

                } else {

                        if (isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS['email'])){
                                $email = $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS['email'];
                        } else {
                                $email ="";

                        echo "<HTML>\n";
                        echo "<HEAD>\n";
                        echo "<TITLE>$tags[title]</TITLE>\n";
                        echo "$tags[style]\n";
                        echo "</HEAD>\n\n";
                        echo "$tags[body]\n\n";

                        echo "<center>\n";
                        echo "<form method=\"POST\" 

                        echo "<table border=\"0\" align=\"center\" width=\"100%\">\n";
                        echo "<tr><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" 
width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\">\n";

                        echo "<table border=\"0\" align=\"center\">\n";

                        echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\">\n<h3>Please log 
in to use this feature.<br>";
                        echo "<i>Seuls les membres authentifiés peuvent 
continuer.</i></h3><br /></td></tr>\n";

                        echo "<tr><td align=\"center\">";
                        // Start of inner table
                        echo "<table border=\"0\">";
                        echo "<tr>\n\n";
                        echo "<td valign=\"bottom\"> E-Mail: 
<br><i>Courriel:</i></td><td valign=\"bottom\"><input type=\"TEXT\" name=\"email\" 
size=\"32\" value=\"";
                        echo $email;
                        echo "\"></td>\n";
                        echo "</tr><tr>\n";
                        echo "<td valign=\"bottom\">Password: 
<br><i>Mot-de-passe:</i></td><td valign=\"bottom\"><input type=\"password\" 
                        echo "</td></tr>\n";
                        echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\">\n";
                        echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"authaction\" 
                        echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Login\">";
                        echo "</td></tr></table>";
                        // End of innner table
                        echo "</td></tr><tr><td>";
                        echo "&nbsp;";
                        echo "</td></tr><tr><td>";

                        echo "<p>If you are not a registered user please go to our \n 
<a href=\"/reg/member_reg.php\">registration page</a>.<br>\n";
                        echo "Please note, you do not have to be a club member to 
register for the site.</p>\n";

//                      echo "<p>Si vous n'etes pas \n <a 
href=\"/reg/member_reg.php\">registration page</a>.<br>\n";
//                      echo "Please note, you do not have to be a club member to 
register for the site.</p>\n";

                        echo "<p>If you forgot your password <a 
href=\"/lostpw.php\">click here</a> to retrieve it.</p>\n";
                        echo "</td></tr>\n";
                        echo "</table>\n";
                        echo "</form>";

                        echo "</td></tr></table>";
                        echo "</center>\n";
                        echo "</BODY>\n";
                        echo "</HTML>\n";

                        if($debug) {
                                echo "<pre>\n\n\n";
                                echo "</pre>\n";


*********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********

On 02/01/2003 at 11:14 AM Andrew Williams wrote:

>Justin has made some suggestions below.
>But it still doesn't work, I have noticed that in the c:/temp directory
>session files have been created.
>Does anyone have any other suggestions as to why this is not working
>Apache is version  Apache/2.0.39 (Win32)
>Internet explorer 6.0.2800.1106
>>Try this code:
>>if (!isset($_SESSION['count'])) {
>>$_SESSION['count'] = 0;
>>} else {
>>Hello visitor, you have seen this page <?=$_SESSION['count']?> times.<p>
>>To continue, <A HREF="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>">click here</A>
>>Each time you click "click here", the counter should increase by 1. This
>>code is lifted straight from the manual, and I've tested it on my machine.
>Tried this no banana!
>> Does your browser accept cookies?
>Privacy settings set to Medium, allowed IP address of machine to except all
>> I'm going to assume PHP > 4.1 ????
>PHP 4.2.2
>>I'm also going to assume you're allowing cookies on your browser???
>> session_register_var.php
>>change your script to:
>>// set up a session
>>// register the variable to the session
>>$_SESSION['my_favourite_colour'] = "blue";
>>// show a hyperlink to get to the next page
>>echo "<A HREF='show_session_var.php'>Click here to go to the next
>> and
>> show_session_var.php
>>change this script to:
>>// continue using the session
>>// show the variable's value
>>echo "My favourite colour is... ".$_SESSION['my_favourite_colour'];
>Changed all of this still not happy.
>Andrew Williams
>Sales Engineer
>people telecom
>Direct Tel:     (02) 9458 5861
>Mobile: 0403 479 990
>Reception:      (02) 9458 5888
>Facsimile:      (02) 9458 5858
>Customer Service:       1300 55 88 88
>talk to people
>This e-mail and any attachments are confidential and may contain copyright
>material of people telecom Ltd or third parties. If you are not the
>recipient of this email you should not read, print, re-transmit, store or
>act in reliance on this e-mail or any attachments, and should destroy all
>copies of them. people telecom Ltd does not guarantee the integrity of any
>emails or any attached files. The views or opinions expressed are the
>author's own and may not reflect the views or opinions of people telecom

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