
I thought there was only one XML standard (1.0)?

I guess my question should have been, when someone commits an HTTP POST sending me raw xml data to my PHP script, I imagine PHP would store it in some global variable. What variable is that?



Jimmy Brake wrote:

depends on which xml standard you are using .... the xml-rpc is what I
have been using to ACCEPT xml -- but it does have a server to accept xml


On Tue, 2002-12-31 at 13:20, Kristopher Yates wrote:


Using PHP with cURL, I am currently able to dynamically create XML documents and HTTP POST to a remote server, receive an XML response, and parse XML as needed.

What I am having trouble finding information on is doing the reverse. Basically, I am trying to create a PHP script that acts as a server, so that a remote computer can HTTP POST XML to said script and then I parse and respond in XML. Again, I already have the reverse working using CURL - so basically I have created a client and now I need to create the server.

The only part I need help understanding is how do I get the XML into an array/variable when my script is hit with someone using HTTP POST to pass XML to it. I have an idea below (vague)..

I had the server guy HTTP POST some XML to a script which just had
<? phpinfo(); ?>

I see in the HTTP Request Headers of the phpinfo() output that it received content type text/xml but nowhere do I see what was actually received (the actual xml that was sent). I thought maybe PHP would take the stuff after the header and push it into an array/variable but no such luck (argv?).

I am wondering if anyone has any helpful information. I imagine something like the following psuedo code:

//use some php function(s) to pass incoming xml stream to an array that I can then pass to my
//xml parser

I hope this gives you enough information to figure out my dilema. If someone can shed a little light on this subject it would be GREATLY appreciated.




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