Actually, there is a different solution to this aswell. One that is used by phpBB and XMB, and maybe some others aswell.

Basicly, it's an anti-flood system. It works like this:

- You are a member and logged in

You post, and the post gets inserted into the database, and with it, also the time of posting is kept.

When you post the next thing, the script checks if there was a message posted, by that user in the last X seconds (can be set manually). If so, it will return a message saying not to repost stuff. Otherwise, it just continues...

Hope this helps,

- Tularis
XMB Lead Developer

Orangehairedboy wrote:
I did searches on this one...I'm using NNTP so it's nice...unfortunatly, no
one had quite the same problem.

I had thought about the random value already (see paragraph about unique
visit id), but it just seems like so much to keep track of...

After asking on other board on the same topic, one theme seems to be the
same...just use redirects.

If anyone else is having the same issue, you can do a redirect using the PHP
header() function to send the user directly to the next page. If the user
goes back, they will get a new version of the form, and less browsers will
support resubmitting.

Also, on the same note, if anyone is using buttons as links, make sure you
are using an <input type=hidden onclick="window.location='http://whatever'">
command instead of submitting a form with no fields. This will solve the
problem here.


"Justin French" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

on 04/01/03 7:26 PM, OrangeHairedBoy ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

Hi all,

It seems that there might be some basic solution on this that I never
received a memo on...
it's been mentioned MANY times on the list in the last week :)

Basically, I'm looking for a way to avoid repeat posts. If someone, for
example, adds something to a bulletin board, clicks submit, and then

F5, they're just 1 click away from re-submitting the form and posting

same information for a second time. Is there an easy way to avoid this?
when "generating" the form, include a hidden field which has a unique,
random value.

then the script that recieves/validated the post should check that the

doesn't already exist in the database before inserting... the only way
someone can double-post is by actually refreshing the form (thus getting a
new hidden field.

I've thought about using a "unique visit id" or something which gets
triggered when a visitor posts, but that seems like a lot to do...

Also, do you think I should look into redirecting the user once they've
posted so they can't go back?
they can still go "back" after a redirect... it's just pages in the


Justin French

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